opuscolo atelier A5 DEF WEB 01

The BeFore Project has been present in the last Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Rights and Science” Summer School, focused on Fundamental Rights Science and Technologies, and in particular the following seminar has been held at Sala Dessau of the University of Perugia at the presence of authority, scientists and attending people.

22th of June, 2017

19397119 786254284871140 7509917686156738767 n 

The scientific research under the Nagoya Protocol rules

Valentina Colcelli

 (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)




 23th of June, 2017
19275235 786648774831691 9169710442323912204 n

Farmers' privilege or farmers' rights?

Viola Prifti

 (University of Bournemouth)




23th of June, 2017

19275274 786253234871245 1411219964535292591 n

The legal protection of plant varieties. Open innovation or industrial property rights?

Viola Prifti

 (University of Bournemouth)