
On the 27 of June 2016 at 11:00 am, relative to On the 27 of June 2016 at 11:00 am, relative tothe MARIE CURIE RISE "BEFORE" program, we organized 8 different presentations. Each speaker had 10-15 minutes to present the progress of the specific WP. The aim of the presentations was the disseminating of knowledge. In addition, offered a great opportunity to understand and be actively involved in the workpackages. In addition, alternative strategies were implemented or previous ones were m modified, with major aim the successful completeness of each WP.

DSC 0002 min DSC 0004 min
DSC 0005 min DSC 0007 min
DSC 0010 min DSC 0013 min
DSC 0015 min DSC 0018 min