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- Written by Before
- Published: 09 October 2015
- Hits: 2790
From October, the 5th to October, the 8th the staff composed by Marina Bufacchi (CNR-ISAFOM) (BeFOre Coordinator) Soraya Mousavi (Researcher at ISAFOM), Maria Breidi (LARI Researcher seconded to ISAFOM) and Roberto Mariotti from CNR- IBBR went to the Field of collection and storage of international olive germplasm in Pergusa -Enna- Sicily to make sample taking.
Project Coordinator
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
ISAFoM sede di Perugia
Via Madonna Alta, 128 - 06128 Perugia
Phone: +39 075 501 45 38
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- II Legal Unit Workshop - The protection of the results in the BeFOre Project
- Aristotelis Azariadis at CIA Umbria
- BeFOre annual workshop 2015
- BeFOre Legal Workshop at Atelier and Seminar on Indigenous community and biodiversity
- BeFore Presentation Day at CNR
- BeFOre Presentation Day at CNR ISAFOM
- BeFOre Project at Atelier 2017
- BeFOre Project at Gubbio DOC Fest
- BeFOre Project at International Olive Symposium 2016
- BeFOre Project at LARI Scientific days
- BeFOre Project at XX Catedra Europa
- BeFOre Project III Annual Meeting
- BeFOre project seminars on Biodiversity, Organoleptic and biochemical characterizing of Olive and Olive Oil.
- BeFOre seminar on Biodiversity and health in the indigenous community of the south of the World
- BeFOre site is online!
- Book Presentation: Biodiversidad y conocimientos tradicionales
- Caarine Saab seminar
- CIA BeFOre Presentation Day
- CIA presentation day
- CNR degustation day
- CNR ISAFOM Presentation Day
- CNR Presentation Day
- CNR Presentation day - Dr. Ranocchia and Nour El Kreidy
- CNR Presentation Day - September 2018
- Common olive Database
- Cultrera and Blazakis seminars
- Dr. Angelina Belaj seminar at CNR IBBR
- Dr. Claudio Ranocchia and Dr. Luciana Baldoni activities in INRA-Marrakech Center
- Dr. Dandachi secondment at MAICH
- Dr. Elia Choueri Seminar
- Dr. Ranocchia secondment at INTA (Argentina)
- Dr. Ranocchia secondment at NCARE
- Dr. Valentina Colcelli seminar on Contracts under the Nayoga protocol on access to genetic resources and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from their use
- Dr. Zinette Moussa seminar at University of Perugia
- Dr.Colcelli's BeFOre seminars
- Faten Dandachi secondment at IFAPA
- GAL delegations at CNR ISAFOM
- I Legal Unit Workshop
- IFAPA Presentation Day
- II Legal Unit Workshop - Genetic resources access: new challenges in the digital era
- INRA Presentation Day
- INTA tasting day - BeFOre Project
- Konstantinos Blazakis' Poster
- Legal and ethical issues in academic research on germplasm between the European Union and the United States of Mexico
- MAICH Presentation Day
- MAICH Presentation Day - March 2017
- Mariela Torres seminar
- Mid Term Review
- Mr. Al-Amad and Al-Sabyleh secondments and seminar
- NCARE genetic resources seminar
- NCARE secondments at IFAPA
- Olive harvesting at Zagaria experimental camp
- Olive Resources Conference
- OPTIMUM presentation DAY - Olive Biodiversity Seminars
- Presentation Day at CIA Umbria
- Presentation paper in Brussels
- Presentation paper in Regensburg
- Presentation paper In Rome
- Prof. Treggiari at UABC - BeFOre seminar
- Prof. Treggiari at UFRO - BeFOre seminar
- Protocollo di Nagoya - Prof. Treggiari interview
- Sample taking in Pergusa
- Seminar at CIA Umbria
- Seminar: Activities presentation in INRA – INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE (2)
- Seminar: Characterization of olive cultivars in Jordan
- Seminar: Curent Research activities performed in Olve and Oil Departmentof the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute
- Seminar: The ABS system: the legal framework
- Seminario: Investigación en biotecnología. Un encuentro entre Ciencia y Derecho
- UNIPG Legal Task Presentation Day
- Use of genomics and phenomics to characterise olive genetic resources for breeding and designing new cultivars for sustainable oliviculture
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This project has received funding from the European Union's.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645595.